I am a member of Beefsteak and Burgundy and belong to a men's club. My wife would like to also join a club. Can you advise the mixed or ladies clubs in my location?

The Annual Handbook is distributed electronically and includes clubs which are mixed or ladies only. If you do not have one please contact your club secretary as a copy for each member is sent to club secretaries each year.

If this is not possible please contact the General Secretary – gensec@bsb.org.au

I am interested in becoming a member of Beefsteak and Burgundy. Could you advise the contacts for clubs in my area?

Please contact the General Secretary who can advise the location of suitable clubs and their contact details. Click on the link in the top right hand corner of this screen, or contact the General Secretary at gensec@bsb.org.au

I have heard about Beefsteak and Burgundy and am interested in forming a new club. How do I do this?

Click on the link in the top right hand corner of this screen, or contact the General Secretary at gensec@bsb.org.au and provide your contact details. The General Secretary will contact you and discuss your interest, answer any questions and forward information, including a Petition for starting a new club.

I will be travelling to a particular area/country and would like to visit another club. How do I find out which clubs there are and the contact details?

All the clubs and their contact details are in the electronic Annual Handbook. If you do not have one please contact your club secretary as a copy for each member is sent to club secretaries each year. If this is not possible you can contact the General Secretary – gensec@bsb.org.au

Our Club is considering hosting a convention. What do we need to do?

The hosting of a convention usually involves a bidding process that needs to ideally commence several years prior to a convention being hosted. Please see “Bidding for a Convention” which details the process involved to assist clubs.

The Club Committee welcomes interest and bids for hosting conventions. A convention is an excellent opportunity to showcase cities or regions and their food and wine.

Our club would like one of our members to be made a life member. How do we do this?

Many branch clubs and members seek advice on how a member of their club might be made a Life Member of their club. Life Memberships are only granted by the Club Committee. When granted the members name is added to the Life Membership register.

The process requires a nomination by the branch club forwarded to the Club Committee through the General Secretary. The nomination should include the details of the contribution the member has made to their club or clubs.

For further information see “Proposing a Life Member”.

What is the required format for when clubs meet for dinners or lunches?

There is no required format. The frequency of when clubs meet and how is a matter for the members to decide. Similarly the way meetings are conducted are quite flexible and reflect what the members are comfortable with. Most clubs, but not all, do have masked wines some or all of the time which can add to the enjoyment and assist in the learning experience. Again this is up to the members. Similarly, the dress code for functions is entirely up to the club to decide i.e. from casual to formal.

One question often asked is about the requirement for Toasts at the start of a meeting. Again this a decision for the members. Some clubs toast the Head of State or the Heads of State of those present. Some clubs do not have any toasts at all. Again this is a matter for the members to decide. Similarly, the formalities and way functions are conducted are entirely for the members to decide.

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