Special Christmas Dinner
Underprivileged children beneficiaries
The Shanghailanders and their partners held their annual Black Tie Dinner at the Fairmont Peace hotel and raised 15,000 Yuan (2,300US$) in aid of the Bright Eyes Project, which has been improving the educational environment for the children of Lixin County, Anhui Province.
Located some 700Km northwest of Shanghai, Anhui Province is one of the poorest regions in east China and many of the students are the children of migrant workers or farmers. As such they have become the forgotten children with regards to education and healthcare.
There are 290 primary schools in Lixin County each having approximately 300 students, of which approximately 10% will require prescription glasses.
To support a school for two years the costs are in the region of RMB 5,000, and the Shanghailanders are proud to have assisted not just one school, but three schools for two years with their donation from members during their Annual Black Tie Event.